Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Reaper & Pre-owned Update + FPM 14

Newsletter time again. Had a flurry of new subscribers of late so I’d like to thank you for deciding to join up. It also seems timely to re-state how MH works as I’ve been getting a few emails about it.

It’s all on the site HERE but briefly, if it’s not showing as in stock, then I can get it in for you. Times vary with Mirliton orders being the slowest to get in, while UK based companies are much quicker. Reaper orders are dependant on sales volume, ie the more I sell, in or out of stock, the quicker I reach a level where I can re-order again.

And Speaking of Reaper, their latest releases. Originally all in a boxed set you can now get their range of Numenera miniatures singularly.

Reaper : Numenera



A recent miniatures trade has brought in a batch of pre-owned Stonehaven Dwarves. Although not brand new they have never been painted and are in very good condition.

Stonehaven Dwarves


Games Workshop


Figurepainter Magazine 14

New issue has just gone live and is ready to download.


That’s it for now,



Sunday, 1 June 2014

New’ish’ Releases from Reaper Miniatures

great worm1

Yes another milestone with Reapers range of Bones plastic miniatures has just been broken! 200 Great ‘purple’ worms have now left Miniature-Heroes since their launch in 2012. This makes it my best selling miniature to date. Lots in stock so if you’d like to own the 201st just click on the above picture to go to the listing. Wormtastic indeed!!!

Reaper Releases

Now some of you are going to be scratching your heads and thinking, hang on, I’ve seen some of these is a previous newsletter. Well you wouldn’t be wrong. Reaper releases can be a little erratic at times, and it seems some of the miniatures were released a month or so ago, when they shouldn’t have been. Production hadn’t started so for those of you with existing pre-orders, mainly tigers I think, I’m still on the case and will get them to you as soon as I can.


Casketworks #31

Reaper have also released their latest pictorial catalogue, Casketworks #31.


With over 3000 products it doesn’t show every miniature, but does provide a good selection of all the ranges. Just click on the above picture to pre-order a copy.

Shop Re-stocked

I had a Reaper delivery on last Thursday and now the orders are all sorted I’ve been able to put the additional stock into the shop. Paints, Triads, Bones and Pathfinder have had their stock numbers added too.

