Well once again its nice to be back in control of everything after the last little hiccup.
Upcoming Reaper Releases
The latest pdf of upcoming Reaper releases HERE And a second pdf HERE of a boxed set they'll be releasing in early April.
I've also completed a major re-stock of a lot of the single Reaper Core Colours. If you have yet to try these excellent paint, now is a very good time to do so. Most are now in stock in limited quantities, but if I haven't got it, I can soon order it in.
To celebrate the start of spring, (remember uk time goes on one hour to BST ), all Shadowforge products in the shop are now 20% off their RRP.
I also hope to have the first shipment of Reapers new Bones range of plastic miniatures, in stock by the middle of next week.
Uploaded a few interesting oldies too. Rogue trooper range miniatures including Venus Bluegenes
And finally a bit of a pimp for my good mate Al, whose bottom burps are currently frightening his cat. Well he tweeted it. No this concerns his entry HERE at the Hawgleg publishing gutshot competition. Please vote for him.
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